Bombón: El Perro

El perro is a neo-realist movie about a man and a dog named Bombón.
Set in Patagonia, an unemployed man has his luck change after being given a Dogo Argentino dog for helping a stranded woman on the highway.



The legendary dogo who defeated a puma to save the children

Morocho's Story:
A few months ago, Ulises ( THE GRAND SON OF DR. NORES MARTINES - THE CREATOR) decided to go to La Cocha to do some chores.

His idea was to go and return the same day, so she took his older daughter, Sofía, who is 10. Travel was uneventful.

Once in the estancia, Ulises started doing some work with Tomás, the foreman. Sofía and Yoli, Tomás's daughter, asked permission to go to a giant fig tree, distant 700 yards from the main house, to pick and eat some figs.

They ran away. Yoli is much faster and limber than Sofía, so she reached the tree first. She started climbing the lower branches while the latter approached the tree.

When Yoli was about 7 feet from the ground, she started hearing noises up on the tree, like branches tweaking and leaves moving. She looked up, and saw a BIG puma jumping down the upper branches. The animal hit the kid with a paw and Yoli went all the way down, falling flatly on her back from 2 meters high. The cougar fell on his feet, roaring and looking at Sofía, Ulises's daughter, who had just made it to the tree. Probably looking to get the hell out of there, the puma jumped in Sofía's direction.

Neither of both kids were aware that Morocho, one of Ulises's top dogo, had been following them playfully, tail wagging, as he almost always does when they treat through the estancia.

The puma was in the air when Morocho jumped into the scene and grabed him by the throat. Both animals locked in a deadly embrace and all hell broke loose. The kids started to scream; Ulises told me "the first thing I thought was a poisonous snake"; told Tomás to run uphill while he himself circled towards the tree in his truck.

Tomás reached the place first; Morocho had the cougar pinned down. He knelt, took out his knife, and killed it.

Yoli was full of bruises and got a hit from the puma's paw but was otherwise not seriously wounded. Sofía was petrified in terror, but not harmed. Morocho was scarred and bruised.

It turned out to be the puma who had killed several of Ulises's brother's colts the previous spring. They had searched for him up and down in the mountains, and never found it. They never thought possible that the animal could be so near the house.

Morocho, who defeated a puma and saved the kids is a legend in his own time.


A dog of a widespread fame 

Birth: 2000-01-15
Died in 2007 of piroplasmosis ( tick infection)



Birth: 1998-09-15

Titles: WORLD Winner 2001
Champion Argentina
GRAND Champion Argentina
Latino Champion


Birth: 1997-02-11

Titles: World Winner 2000



  1. i found the angry cat-lover.

  2. I am argentinian and this is a true story!!!! This new was all over the world!!!

  3. Quem matou o Puma? O cão ou a faca? Porquê essa história é justamente com o filho do criador da raça? Porquê a história da faca não está no documentário? Porquê no livro sobre a verdadeira história da raça um dogo chamado Tupac foi derrotado por um puma e o cão foi retirado da jaula para não morrer? Publicidade??? Acredito que os Pumas que são mortos por dogos são jovens, fêmeas pequenas e as lutas e vídeos são com pumas com garras, porém essas lixadas, pois sempre o cão sai ileso. Histórias de caçador. Sou biólogo e penso com a razão e não com o coração.

  4. Já li tanto absurdo que cansei...uma vez uma cara escreveu que um dogo sozinho poderia matar até um leopardo e inclusive um jaguar...se querem credibilidade sejam mais verdadeiros. O Dogo é um grande cão, mas por favor, os grandes felinos são animais com forças e armas descomunais!! O puma, dos três felinos citados é o mais vulnerável sim, mas não quer dizer que um cão pode sozinho abater um adulto selvagem. Acredito que o dogo seja o mais próximo desse feito, mas pra quê tanta obsessão em querer que os cães sejam mais que os felinos? Isso nunca será possível no quesito força, caça e agilidade! São animais diferentes e cada um com suas qualidades, e a melhor delas não é a força e sim a beleza de sua existência.

  5. I'm sure it's true these dogs are used to hunt mountain lions and boar all the time

  6. I was told when buying my dogo he was the the grandson of Morocho and I will tell you I have never seen a dog with more drive then this one. I didn't believe it at first but once I got the papers with Morochos de la Cocha in his bloodline there was no doubt. He is 100% a protector and would never turn away from a situation where I was in danger. I believe the store 100%

    1. My family just bought a male pup and Morocho is an uncle to my pup. We love him! I think the Dogo is fabulous breed. Koa is a neat Dogo!

  7. I was told when buying my dogo he was the the grandson of Morocho and I will tell you I have never seen a dog with more drive then this one. I didn't believe it at first but once I got the papers with Morochos de la Cocha in his bloodline there was no doubt. He is 100% a protector and would never turn away from a situation where I was in danger. I believe the store 100%

  8. So basically the Dogo subdued the mountain lion(but potentially for how long) and the human came in and stabbed it... so basically a 2 on 1... gotcha...

    1. Let me clarify myself. The more popular version of this story circulating was that the Dogo took on the Puma by itself. This page was actually a revelation to me.

  9. I'm having a hard time with these dick weeds who find something to bitch about with this story. Zanex. Check it out.

  10. You must be fun at parties.

  11. Instead of being mean just infirm our friend that on youtube you can still see photage of dogos in argentina killing pumas to test them. Sad but true. I own a dogo. I saw my dogo kill a coyote that had approached us out in the field. I have perso ally seen a mountain lion fight a dogo. But the dogo usnt the inly dig that does this. So dont be too surprised. Anyway peace out guys. No need to fight and be rude. Life is too short. Dogos are amazing dogs. I bought mine straight from La Cocha kennels

  12. Dogo are the best...I own a male who is my service dog due to domestic violence and he is my everything. He's not just a dog but a member of the family. My dogo can sense when I'm having a panic attack and lays on me till I'm better. He has also saved my grandson from falling off the bed...SMH people just don't realize how majestic dogo are

  13. My female ran 6 coyotes off one morning.
    Even with six they knew better.
    What I love about my dog is her absolute loyalty.
    Good breed of dog, I say my best dog ever.

  14. Try to pet and train a puma you will see how sweet and loyal they are too.most of you people only focus on dogs being sweet loyal defenders Ect,try some diffirent animals.they are cool too.and once you are attacked by a dog and puma is with you Walking in the streets it will protect you too.and you will see how easy your puma destroy a dog.like a dogo argentino
